NPC High Desert Classic- The Results – Kristy Titus
Seminars at Cabela’s in Lacey WA
December 14, 2012
RMEF & Outdoor Dream Foundation Team Up
December 14, 2012
magbo system
Seminars at Cabela’s in Lacey WA
December 14, 2012
RMEF & Outdoor Dream Foundation Team Up
December 14, 2012

NPC High Desert Classic- The Results




After over four months of hard training and clean eating, this past weekend I competed in the NPC Bill Pearl High Desert Classic Body Building and Figure Show. I am very proud to have taken 5th place in my height division. This was a very competitive class with some of the ladies having many years of hard training to their credit.
I gave my own training program more than 100% this spring packing ALL of my meals with me to every trade show and event, not skipping workouts while on the road which in some cases meant waking up at 2:00AM and staying up training in the gym as late as 11:30PM. The majority of my nights were short with only 4-5 hours of sleep in order to get everything done in my days. The hardest part of my training schedule was in the final three weeks due to the severe poison oak that I had from the waist down. Getting in my three to four hours of cardio each day was nearly unbearable.
I am most proud that I formulated my own nutrition and exercise program with excellent results. I stepped on stage at 8% body fat which I can attribute to 100% clean eating and a total of 205 HOURS of cardio and an additional 97 HOURS of weight training since January 1st.  
Below is a link to the photo gallery that has been placed on the website:
I am thankful to be resting my body a bit after a long four month rigorous training schedule. I am staying out of the weight room for the remainder of the month but am keeping up my cardiovascular training. I have set some big goals for myself for the 2013 competition season based on how I did this year and can hardly wait to get training!





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