USA Shooting Team/WWO Sporting Clays Tournament – Kristy Titus
Redmond OR High School Marksmanship Team
February 16, 2013
Wild Sheep Foundation Ladies Luncheon
March 4, 2013
magbo system
Redmond OR High School Marksmanship Team
February 16, 2013
Wild Sheep Foundation Ladies Luncheon
March 4, 2013

USA Shooting Team/WWO Sporting Clays Tournament

Every year the Wild Sheep Foundation hosts a sporting clays event with the USA shooting team as a fund raiser for the WSF. This year the Wounded Warrior Outdoors group, including active duty Marine Corp members GySGT Brian Meyer- USMC, SSGT Charlie Linville- USMC, SGT Matt Amos- USMC, SGT Jim Sursely-US Army (retired)- WWO Warrior Mentor were all attended and supported the fundraising efforts for WSF.

Prior to the sporting clays tournament beginning, the warriors were able to receive individual shooting instruction and technique directions from multiple instructors that were present at the shoot. For all but one of these men, this was the first time shooting shotguns since their in combat injuries were sustained.

Jumping on the back of the Ranger with SSGT Charlie Linville, I knew we were destined for a good time. Fortunately for me, the other two members of our team were very skilled sporting clays shooters. My team included SSgt Charlie Linville, Dick Flannigan, Dan Lavach, and Ralph Felices.

My team’s expertise really helped me along throughout the course taking the time to help me visualize how the clay was going to fly and where would be the “ideal” points in flight for me to squeeze off the trigger. They even began teaching me when and how to anticipate the lead on the clay pigeon.

I was really excited to show off my excellent shotgun skills to the USA Shooting Team…okay, truth be told, I have no shotgun skills, so instead,  I took every opportunity to share a laugh with my team and the team behind us. We all ended up having a great time on the range!

After shooting, awards were handed out to top shot teams we feasted on a fabulous BBQ lunch and had the opportunity to visit with all of the attendees.

The event is sponsored by Krieghoff International & Pacific Sporting Arms with the proceeds of the event going directly to The Wild Sheep Foundation for the protection of habitat, enhancement wild sheep populations and protection of hunters rights.



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