March 19th WOD – Kristy Titus
March 18 WOD
March 19, 2013
March 20th WOD
March 21, 2013
magbo system
March 18 WOD
March 19, 2013
March 20th WOD
March 21, 2013

March 19th WOD


I did none of those things today, so I kept going. My body feels as if I have been beaten with a bat over nearly every square inch. This pain is temporary and I will survive becoming stronger and better than before.

~Misery Loves Company~

I love that my personal physical misery is also being experienced by others as Ashley shared with me this morning on facebook. I am also glad that my misery motivated her to push through and train harder.

So I have to tell you my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning to go to CF and I was so stinking sore and decided to get on fb. I was convincing myself I was too sore that I should go back to sleep then I saw your post. So without you knowing you motivated me today. I am so glad I went. So to you “thank you”:-)




80 Minutes Target Heart Rate- Stair Climber/Eliptical Combo


Oregon Crossfit-

WOD: 20 Russian Swings EMOM for 8 minutes, rest 1 minute, 500 ME Row

Challenge: Complete 5×1 Clean Pull to knee(pause 3 seconds) squat clean, after complete 3×3 Push Press

Play: 2 minutes bottom of the squat, banded shoulder stretches



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