March 21st WOD – Kristy Titus
March 20th WOD
March 21, 2013
March 22nd WOD
March 23, 2013
magbo system
March 20th WOD
March 21, 2013
March 22nd WOD
March 23, 2013

March 21st WOD



                                                  Pronounced: Clum-sy

                         1. Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkward.

                        2. Awkwardly constructed or inefficient in use or construction


Well, that pretty much sums up me tonight in crossfit. Clum-sy….

I have never been the athletic or the graceful, coordinated beauty. I have always moved in an awkward fashion, never athletic and it is usually quite embarassing. That is why I grew up to love the gym, the weight room and of course hunting.

I am strong, I can push around weight…this does not require grace and agility. RIIIIGHT!!!!

Crossfit has opened up an entire new world of movement that leaves me feeling a little like a fish out of water flopping around. Heaven forbid during this flopping gyration I drop my kettle bell on my head while trying to to the baseball sliding stand up thing. Maybe I need a helmet??? I think to myself, please no one be looking at me and of course I am so awkward in my movement that I practically require non-stop coaching.

Stand back please, get me a helmet and watch out, I am going to try to do this!!!

Okay, so I made it through the workout and I felt good afterwards. Everyone started in the same place as me apparently. I would nearly wager that I am slower to catch on than most but that remains to be seen. I am told that I will learn the movements and my “coordination will develop” according to Sean, my very patient coach.


So here was my workout today:

60 Minutes Target Heart Rate Stair Climber

15 Minutes Elliptical

~~Oregon Crossfit WOD~~

WOD: 100 air Squats, 50 Push Ups, 25 Pull ups

Challenge: 3×3 Arm bar stretch, 3×3 Turkish Get up (you may need a choreographer & helmet for this one), 3×3 Press (these are all completed single arm)

Play: 1k row





  1. john says:

    Kristy, sounds like you are on the track to endurance! That's what I'm working on now. Tough too do right now working a 12 hour shift in the mine, but days off I hit it pretty hard. If you're ever in Wyoming give me a shout and we can hit the gym! 307-389-9642

  2. Kristy says:

    Thanks for the invite John! Yes, I am trying to cut some bodyfat and increase my endurance for hunting season. Keep up the good work too!!