March 23rd WOD – Kristy Titus
March 22nd WOD
March 23, 2013
March 24th WOD
March 25, 2013
magbo system
March 22nd WOD
March 23, 2013
March 24th WOD
March 25, 2013

March 23rd WOD

When you get bucked off that horse, dust yourself off and get back on!!

I find myself always wanting more…always having goals that I am continually working towards achieving. My problem is that I often reach one goal, then set a new goal, often times letting my previous achievement slip a bit and then I have to go back and reclaim my previous success.

 This is a maddening cycle I find especially true in regards to my health fitness. I do workout year round, however, I am not 100% diligent in my workouts and nutrition protocol year round.

There seems to be that slip for me in hunting camp where I find myself eating the bacon and eggs and not putting in the needed miles or pushing myself quite as hard as I need to in order to work off all of the yummy food that I am eating. Then right around the corner is trade show season…double whammy in testing your commitment to health fitness.

The battle of the hunting/trade show season bulge seems to be never ending for me. This fall/winter, I held great intentions of not packing on an unnecessary 10 pounds. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I fell into bad habits and yes, I put on the LBS.

Growing up I was always told when a horse bucks you off, you dust yourself off and get back on. So, I’m  back on!!

Everyday that I get my workouts in and eat well balanced nutrient rich foods, I am one day closer to my version of “perfection”.


90 Minutes Target Heart Rate Elliptical

Smith Machine Bench Press- 1 Warm Up Set; 2 Sets to  Failure at 7

Smith Machine Pec Flys- 2 Sets to Failure at 7

Tricep Rope Push Down- 1 Warm Up Set; 2 Sets to Failure at 7

Dips- 3 Sets to Failure

Push Ups- 3 Sets to Failure



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