March 24th WOD – Kristy Titus
March 23rd WOD
March 23, 2013
March 25th WOD
March 26, 2013
magbo system
March 23rd WOD
March 23, 2013
March 25th WOD
March 26, 2013

March 24th WOD

Today Perfectly Perfect….

On the road again. Destination; home. 5 short hours of driving and I arrive in a typical frenzy. First things first, unload my truck, then off to the gym!

Despite my travel schedule being hectic, I had to get my workout in today because this coming week is very busy and I may not get all my workouts in.

My philosophy is that it is always better to workout too much than not enough. You can always take a day off, but it is hard to make up a missed workout.

Scenic drive, great workout and some time with my mom and my dog family, especially my old dog. There is nothing better. It was a perfect day!



45 Minutes Target Heart Rate Stair Climber

45 Minutes Target Heart Rate Elliptical

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