March 24th WOD
March 25, 2013March 26th WOD
I have had an extremely busy week of travel and work. Today was no exception as I am taking my NRA Basic Pistol Instructor Course and Refuse to be a Victim Instructor course. I am looking forward to the next three days of long classroom hours and little time to get my workouts in.
To top it off, today, I didn’t have my truck, so I got to the gym even later than I would have on a more normal day. My point is, that even being tired, not having a day off in 8 days and lacking a vehicle, I still found a way to the gym.
Granted, my workout was not what I had hoped for tonight, but it was one that I could manage with the time that I had. I know that every workout that I manage to get in, the better off I am. SWEAT = SMILES
30 Minutes Target Heart Rate Elliptical
45 Minutes Target Heart Rate Stair Climber
No workout for a couple more days. Laid up with a case of sciatic nerve problem!! Went to ER at 3:00 AM. Had a few steroid shots and something for pain, just have to lay down for a couple of days. Have a MRI in the morning to check for a ruptered disk just to be on the safe side. This SUCKS!!!!!
John that is terrible! My mom is going through the same thing so I have a pretty good idea of the pain you are in. Hopefully, it can be resolved without surgery. My mom is on her way to surgery later next month! Take care of your self.