March 28th WOD – Kristy Titus
March 26th WOD
March 27, 2013
Time to Speak up…Cougar & Bear Management Bills Scheduled for Hearings
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magbo system
March 26th WOD
March 27, 2013
Time to Speak up…Cougar & Bear Management Bills Scheduled for Hearings
March 29, 2013

March 28th WOD

Fighting with a Broken Heart

My beloved dog, best friend and love of my life died in my arms today. Gus filled a whole in my heart that I didn’t even know I had. I lost part of my soul today, the part that Gus has filled since I was 19 years old with his unconditional love and devotion.

Gus was my running partner and for the past 13 years part of my daily motivation to get outside in the world and exercise.

Despite having to lay him to rest today, I felt that he would want me to get out there and exercise for him. If the rain were not pouring, I would have walked at one of our favorite spots. With bad weather, I went to crossfit instead.

No matter where you go, please keep in mind that we are all fighting some sort of battle; sometimes it’s nice to just hear a kind word.


WOD: Tabata T2B, rest 2 minutes, Tabata Walking lunges (If you competing in the OPEN and your training today complete at 50% effort)

Challenge: 3×3 Dead KB Clean(each arm), 3×3 Push Press (these are all completed single arm),

Play: 1200m row(work efficiency)


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