April 17th WOD – Kristy Titus
April 13th WOD
April 18, 2013
April 18th WOD
April 19, 2013
magbo system
April 13th WOD
April 18, 2013
April 18th WOD
April 19, 2013

April 17th WOD


No Excuses…

Today, I drove home from my turkey hunt and was hit instantly with what felt like 1000 things to do. To top it off, I had a headache. The “your pulse is in your head” throbbing kind.

With having missed three days consecutive in the gym or ACTIVELY hiking in the field, I left all my excuses at the door of my crossfit box.

My fitness is important. Getting stronger is important, getting leaner is important, not missing my workout one more day is important. No excuses…


Oregon Crossfit


3 Rounds 21-15-9 reps per round; Dead lift 225/155, box jump 30/24

Challenge: 3x ME (max effort) Handstand Hold or handstand walks, 3×3 Snatch grip first pull, 3×10 GH RAISE(band tension or weight if you make 10) or banded good mornings 3×30

Play: 800m jog

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