April 20th WOD – Kristy Titus
April 18th WOD
April 19, 2013
2013 RMEF Rogue Chapter Banquet
April 21, 2013
magbo system
April 18th WOD
April 19, 2013
2013 RMEF Rogue Chapter Banquet
April 21, 2013

April 20th WOD


Get Fit…Get Happy

Exercise really does make you happy. The feeling that comes from your clothes fitting better, getting a few extra push ups in, running faster and farther, ALL of these things make you feel accomplished and HAPPY.

Setting fitness goals can start small and seemingly simple, for instance, walking for 45 minutes straight, then later on when you are feeling like you want a challenge, maybe jog every third song that plays on your iPod, then work up to every other song, pretty soon you will feel good just jogging.

Your progression takes time but each milestone you reach will help you feel HAPPY about what you have accomplished.

Get out today and exercise, no matter where your fitness level is. I promise, afterwards you will feel accomplished and HAPPY!!! Seize the weekend!!!!


Oregon Crossfit

Warm Up- Weighted Situps

WOD: 4 Rounds, 15 American Swings 53/35, 15 Wall balls 20/14

Challenge: 5×1 1 ¼ Front Squats(AHAP)

Play: 1 Mile Run

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