April 23rd WOD – Kristy Titus
Cabela’s Ladies Day Out
April 23, 2013
April 24th WOD
April 25, 2013
magbo system
Cabela’s Ladies Day Out
April 23, 2013
April 24th WOD
April 25, 2013

April 23rd WOD


Hard Work Turns Dreams Into Reality…

Success requires hard work, determination and discipline. Nothing in life worth attaining comes easily and without sacrifice.

Everyday, I start out with a list of things that I need “To Do.” One of the best feelings of accomplishment and reward is actually crossing those “To Do’s” off of my list. Many days, I don’t get everything done on my list, but it has become a work in progress for me.

This simple act helps to keep me on track everyday. I can easily determine a level of priority based on  that simple list. Deadlines for magazines and video blogs are laid out, simple errands and even the gym is on the list.

Making sure that I schedule my workouts are as important to me as checking and returning emails in the mornings. The gym must be done!!! In the past few weeks, I can name a one hour period that I sat on my couch to watch a movie. That is it! Less than an hour in a months time spent on the couch.

Working hard and achieving success requires sacrifice. I am willing to give up that time on the couch in exchange for a good sweat in crossfit or at the gym. It is worth it to me to work hard so that my body does not let me down come hunting season.

Without a healthy body, success is much more difficult if not impossible to completely enjoy. So tonight before you go to bed, make a list of what you need “To Do” tomorrow and make sure your workout is on the top of that list. Enjoy the success that comes from hard work and sacrifice. Trust me, it’s worth it!


Oregon Crossfit

WOD: Row 2k, rest the amount of time it takes to complete, Row and additional  1 K

Challenge: Complete 3 rounds: 3 Clean Dead Lifts, 3 Squat Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Push Jerks, (As a complex meaning do not put the weight down until one circuit is complete)

Play: foam roll & stretch





  1. Nate says:

    the 2k row is a good day and than to add another 1k, awesome. Get it Kristy!

  2. Kristy says:

    Thanks Nate!