May 8th WOD – Kristy Titus
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2013
May 8, 2013
May 28th WOD
May 29, 2013
magbo system
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2013
May 8, 2013
May 28th WOD
May 29, 2013

May 8th WOD



Tonight my workout tonight was tough, really tough but with that being said, I managed to set a personal record on my deadlift at 195#. I believe that I could have gone heavier.I will save a new PR (personal record) for next time.

Crossfit has not gotten easier, I have gotten stronger.

Tonights workout was one of my favorites the Cindy which basically equated to 5 pull ups, 10 push ups followed by 15 air squats. We did as many rounds as were possible in a 20 minute time frame.

Dry heaves hang on…

Even though I thought I was going to throw up after it was all said and done, I once again set a personal record completing 18 rounds.

Pushing my body like this helps me identify where I am getting stronger and where my weakness lies. I can honestly say that the air squats were like a nice breather but the push ups are what killed me!

So, I must conquer where I am weak…push ups here I come!!

It feels so good to be feeling stronger when a couple short months ago I was so sore and tired that I felt as if I had been beaten with a bat and then trampled by horses.

When you start lifting, it is important to know that the beginning is always the hardest part and it does get easier; you get STRONGER.



Oregon Crossfit


WOD: “Cindy” 20 min amrap (As Many Reps As Possible), 5 Pull-up, 10 push up, 15 Air squat (Record rounds)

Challenge: Work up to your 1 rep max deadlift

Play: ankle mobility work

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