June 24th WOD – Kristy Titus
June 21st WOD
June 22, 2013
June 25th WOD
June 26, 2013
magbo system
June 21st WOD
June 22, 2013
June 25th WOD
June 26, 2013

June 24th WOD


Last night I made it home from my most recent 9 day road trip black bear hunting in Idaho and attending another MagPul Dynamics shooting school. I am looking forward to spending the next few weeks at home, getting articles wrote, dehydrating food, scouting for elk, filming some blogs and most importantly TRAINING in the gym!!!

Finding Purpose…

Once you have defined WHAT your goal is, you have to do some soul searching to define the purpose behind your goal.

Purpose is the WHY that makes you desire the goal. Without purpose or a reason behind the things that you do or want to achieve in your daily life, you can end up quitting before your goal is actualized. The PURPOSE is what keeps you trying long after you have ran through all of your excuses in your mind. With PURPOSE you never quit!

I have made it my personal vow to give it everything that I’ve got in the gym during this time at home in preparation to film another Stone Sheep hunt in Northern British Columbia. Looking forward to potentially 13 days with a 60 pound backpack on in some of the steepest, roughest terrain in the world, I have GOT to get in fantastic condition in a very short amount of time.That is my fitness PURPOSE.

Today I was an animal in the gym and gave it everything that I had.Trust me, without purpose, I would have quit well before my 2 hours of cardio was over. With my purpose in mind, I kept going and did not quit.

What is your purpose?

Define your purpose in all that you do and you will soon realize that you are living out all of your dreams…


60 Minutes Target Heart Rate Stair Climber

60 Minutes Target Heart Rate Elliptical

Armour 39 Report:

Calories: 998, Average Heart Rate: 139, Average Intensity: 50%, Will Power: 8.2


~Oregon Crossfit WOD~

WOD: 400m Farmers Carry(DB/KB), then 100 Abmat sit ups, 50 Burpees, 25 pull ups

Challenge: 5×2 HBBS (High Bar Back Squat) with 3 second pause at bottom use 80%(absolute depth)

Play: squat with lax/golf/squishy ball behind knee cap, 2 minutes each knee



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