July 24th WOD – Kristy Titus
July 23rd WOD
July 24, 2013
July 25th WOD
July 26, 2013
magbo system
July 23rd WOD
July 24, 2013
July 25th WOD
July 26, 2013

July 24th WOD


Pretty Face…Beast Mode

Training for a sheep hunt puts you in 100% beast mode. Well, I try to be in beast mode most of the time, only slipping out to sleep.

Okay, I’m kidding…but in all seriousness, when it comes to climbing the mountain for up to 14 consecutive days with 60-100 pounds strapped to your back, you have got to be a beast!

Today, my stair climb was awesome as I was carrying 100% of my backpacking weight. My glutes felt the stairs during the workout but afterwards, I had no soreness or stiffness.

Ready to keep going right away which is what I am looking for. Muscular endurance!!! My pace was by no means fast but it was steady and repeatable for many consecutive days.

Looking forward to tomorrow….


75 Minute Stair Climb with 60 lb. backpack

Armour 39 Report-

Calories: 588, Average Heart Rate: 142, Average Intensity: 54% WillPower: 6.9

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