August 17th WOD – Kristy Titus
August 16th WOD
August 16, 2013
Ghost Rams- The Pursuit of a 15 Year Old Stone Sheep Legend
August 18, 2013
magbo system
August 16th WOD
August 16, 2013
Ghost Rams- The Pursuit of a 15 Year Old Stone Sheep Legend
August 18, 2013

August 17th WOD


Impossible is Nothing…

Today is my last day in the “gym” for awhile as I have non-stop hunts coming up that will keep me on the mountain and out of the box so to speak.

I have made the mental commitment to myself that I am going to enter another figure body building show in the spring of 2014 and with that in mind comes a new mindset when it comes to my nutrition and exercise protocol. Time to buckle down and get serious with my training…starting now.

With that being said, I have the nutrition side dialed but I am always looking for new advice on exercise protocol, so I have consulted a friend who has a masters degree in physical education. Great place to start tapping into for some new workout ideas.

It was suggested to me that I should mix up my workout a bit, so I may be posting some new styles of workouts and although I would love to take the credit for them, I cannot. Stay tuned I am as excited to get started!!! It is possible for me that in 2014, I am going to bring my best physique ever to the stage and be in the best shape of my life AND I am going to do it starting today! Starting small, feeling a little weak right now, I am going to get stronger and leaner, every single day.


Keep in mind, today I was pressed for time, so I had to cut my workout shorter than I had hoped.


30 Minutes Stair Climber

50 Each- Med Ball Sit Ups, Push Ups, Air Squats, Walking Lunges

30 Minutes Stair Climber

50 Each- Med Ball Sit Ups, Push Ups, Air Squats, Walking Lunges

15 Minutes Elliptical


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