August 31st WOD – Kristy Titus
August 28th WOD
August 28, 2013
September 1st WOD
September 3, 2013
magbo system
August 28th WOD
August 28, 2013
September 1st WOD
September 3, 2013

August 31st WOD

Jacked Up…

On the mountain, off the mountain, on the mountain, off…

Back off the mountain and directly into the gym. That is how I roll. Training hard feels good. Well maybe not your first two weeks of training if you have been on sabbatical. The beginning of any new exercise program or change in your current exercise program can leave you feeling less than great.

The bright side is that once you get over that beginning hump in any workout, you will start feeling like beast mode on blast after your body is tuned up and ready to train. Right now, my beast mode is on blast from the past few weeks of hunts and heavy packs leaving me feeling tuned up and ready to train. HARD.

If you are not feeling tuned up and ready to train, don’t slow down, don’t quit. It does get easier and you do start to not only enjoy your workouts but look forward to them. Everyday, I set a specific “To Do” list of work that needs to be accomplished and when my prioritised items are complete, I reward myself with some hard time in the gym. Get in the groove and you too will feel the same way.

Today, my daily WOD was led by Andrew, my new training coach and fitness guru. Andrew has been charged with the task of leading me into the best shape of my life for my upcoming spring body building show. So far, my workouts are on blast and I am LOVING it!. Check it out and stay tuned for more…


Chest & Shoulders

4 Sets

15, 12, 10, 8 (Increasing Weight w/ Each Set)

*Incline Flys-

          – Wide Grip Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)

*Flat DB Press-

          – Narrow Grip Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)

*Flat Bench Press-

          – Stagger Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)

* Shrugs-

          – Spider Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)

*Crucifix (side then front shoulder raises)-

          – Diamond Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)

* Reverse Flies-

          – Walking Push Ups (8)

          – Walking Lunges- 20-30 w/ DB (I used 30# total weight or 15# each arm)


Lower reps and increase weight on subsequent sets of primary exercises (*). Secondary sets (-) remain constant with the exception of various pushup techniques. There is no rest between exercises.


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