September 4th WOD – Kristy Titus
September 3rd WOD
September 4, 2013
Cabela’s 1 Day, 2 Stores CO Grand Openings August
September 15, 2013
magbo system
September 3rd WOD
September 4, 2013
Cabela’s 1 Day, 2 Stores CO Grand Openings August
September 15, 2013

September 4th WOD

Making Success Happen…

One simply does not wake up one day successful and never does an “overnight” success occur. Behind the scenes, for days, months or even years, a successful person had a dream of what their version of success would look like and began to take steps to actualize that success. They made it happen.

Accepting personal responsibly for success or failure for that matter is critical. No one is going to make you successful. You have to take responsibly and work towards achieving your goals day after day.

The first step towards being successful is to define the goal. What is your dream? Once you have defined that goal, imagine what your life would be like with your goal accomplished. How would you feel? How would your life be different or better than it is right now? Picture yourself successful.

The next step is the most critical step. Why do you want to achieve your goal? What is your purpose? This is the most critical aspect as the purpose behind your goal is the only thing that will keep you working towards achieving your goal after your short term motivation has left. This is what gives your goal roots and you the persistence to never quit.

Last but not least, define the how. How are you going to achieve your goal. Define what steps do you need to take daily, weekly, monthly or yearly to actualize your goal. Create a detailed outline of milestones that you are going to meet in order to fulfil your goal within a set time frame.

Stay on track. Use your outline to rate your progress and make adjustments as needed. Don’t sit back and dream of success, take the steps today to make your dreams a reality.


4 Sets- 16, 12, 10, 8


*Single Arm Cable Rows

          -20 Walking Lunges

          -Abs 15-20

*Wide Lat Pull Downs

          -20 Walking Lunges         

          -Abs 15-20

*Bent Over Smith Machine Rows

          -20 Walking Lunges         

           -Abs 15-20

*Bicep Curls

          -20 Walking Lunges         

          -Abs 15-20

Lower reps and increase weight on subsequent sets of primary exercises (*). Secondary sets (-) remain constant. There is no rest between exercises.


45 Minute Run/Jog

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