September 16th WOD – Kristy Titus
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- UT Elk Hunt
September 16, 2013
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- MT Archery Elk Hunt
September 20, 2013
magbo system
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- UT Elk Hunt
September 16, 2013
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- MT Archery Elk Hunt
September 20, 2013

September 16th WOD

Making It Happen….

This is my last morning in civilization before heading back out to the elk woods. To celebrate my upcoming elk hunt, I hit up the hotel gym.

Navigating the western landscapes on foot tax your mind and body to the limit if you are untrained and out of shape. I always put my best effort forward to not only survive but thrive on the mountain.

Thriving starts in the gym with working up a good old fashioned sweat. Putting out the effort to push my body and my mind both on and off the mountain requires commitment on my part. Every single day…

Where do you want to be on the mountains this fall, struggling or thriving? When you are presented with the shot of your lifetime are you going to be gasping for air and out of breath or worse yet, not able to even get that shot because your body can’t take you there in time? OR are you going to be bounding up the hills, lungs working at full capacity, body strong and ready to take on the mountain, prepared to make that shot of a lifetime?

The choice is yours. Miracles don’t happen. Sweat happens, effort happens. The only thing you have to do is have the mind set to get up everyday and make it happen. It starts with you.


15 Minute Jog

30 Walking Lunges, 60 Bicycle Sit Ups, 30 Air Squats, 15 Wide Lat Pull Downs

15 Minute Jog

30 Walking Lunges, 60 Bicycle Sit Ups, 30 Air Squats, 15 Wide Lat Pull Downs, 30 Sit Ups, Increase weight for 12 Wide Lat Pull Downs

15 Minute Jog

30 Walking Lunges, 60 Bicylce Sit Ups, 30 Air Squats, 12 Wide Lat Pull Downs, 30 Sit Ups, Increase weight for 10 Wide Lat Pull Downs

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