September 29th WOD – Kristy Titus
September 28th WOD
September 30, 2013
September 30th WOD
October 2, 2013
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September 28th WOD
September 30, 2013
September 30th WOD
October 2, 2013

September 29th WOD

Making Time…

Having been away from home for so many consecutive weeks, it would be very easy for me to make excuses…

                -I don’t have time for the gym.  –vs- I make time for the gym.

                -It is so much work to prepare healthy meals in advance. I don’t have time for that. -vs- I made all my lunches and snacks for the week on Sunday in advance and now I just grab and go out of the refrigeratior. It’s so simple, quick and I don’t have to put any effort towards my meal planning for the entire week!

We are all busy people balancing family, careers and life in general. In order for us to live long healthy lives, our health fitness must be a priority. How much time are you going to be able to spend with your family or work if you end up with a chronic disease that is diet and exercise related? If you think about your life and health in the long run, you do not have time to NOT take care of your body.

If you haven’t already, starting today, take the time to schedule in your workouts for the entire week and even go so far as planning ahead with your spouse if you need to rearrange schedules etc. Better yet, plan with your spouse or significant other times that you can workout together.

Take a couple of hours today and prepare at least one meal and one snack that you can quickly access it in the refrigerator. If you keep  good food in your home, then you will eat good food. By making a couple of small changes in your everyday habits, you can look forward to achieving better health fitness that will last a lifetime.


Warm-Up- Your choice include speed drills

*Back Squats- 3 sets- 10-8-6

*Dead Lifts- 3 sets- 10-10-10

*Leg Extensions- 3 sets- 12-12-12

*Leg Abductions- Single Leg on Side (Lateral) 1 set x 50 each leg

-Active Recovery- crunches or side crunches between sets. Leg/knee raises between exercises.

-Mobility- Your Choice

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