October 18th WOD – Kristy Titus
October 17th WOD
October 18, 2013
October 19th WOD
October 30, 2013
magbo system
October 17th WOD
October 18, 2013
October 19th WOD
October 30, 2013

October 18th WOD


Train Insane or Remain the Same…

I talk to countless people, men & women who are stuck in a physical rut. Many feel like a strong, lean, disease free, healthy body of their dreams is an unattainable reality. Simply put it is not true.

It truly is easier to wake up early or stay up late and get in your workout than it is to look in the mirror and not like what you see. It is easy to fall into the rut of excuses and not get in your workout because it seems “hard” at first. Physically, you may struggle with getting in your workout because you get sore or the workouts seem boring.

As your health progresses, you will come to enjoy those workouts and they do honestly become the highlight of your day. The soreness from a good lift becomes a welcomed discomfort. Getting out into a group fitness program like crossfit will help you develop friendships with people who are like minded and also like to workout therefore encouraging you to keep going while having fun along the way.

If you are getting in those workouts and not seeing the results that you would like, it is time for a change.

Train Insane or Remain the Same…(Andrew-ism)

The change that your physique may need in order to attain that next level of health fitness may only be a simple change such as modifying your diet to only include carbohydrates with a glycemic index of 60 or under, lean meats, exclusively whole natural foods and non-animal derived fat sources.

Mixing up my workouts has been a slightly difficult adjustment for me as I don’t know “how much” weight I should/can lift for my target set of reps. Making modifications to my training protocol is helping me to fine tune any deficiencies that my training may have had. For instance, I love pounding out hours of THR cardio, my trainer Andrew is having me do high intensity cardio training like running.This is helping me to have more cardiovascular endurance while leaning/firming up my physique.

Today is the time to make the changes that you need to create a healthier you. Either start a workout program or time to train “more” insane!


Andrew Leg Workout #1


Warm Up~

10 Minutes Stair Climber

5 Minutes Elliptical

15 Body Weight Squats

75 Seconds Rest

14 Leg Extensions

75 Seconds Rest

14 Leg Curls

30 Calf Raises

75 Seconds Rest

20 Walking Lunges



Repeat Warm Up 2x with additional resistance and increase recovery time to 90 seconds but…keep moving.

45 THR Stair Climber

30 THR Elliptical




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