November 20th WOD – Kristy Titus
November 19th WOD
November 20, 2013
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- Jacob Youth Cow Elk Hunt
November 21, 2013
magbo system
November 19th WOD
November 20, 2013
RMEF Team Elk Season 4- Jacob Youth Cow Elk Hunt
November 21, 2013

November 20th WOD


Effort and Attitude…

Life as an American citizen is all about choices and having the free will to pursue any hope, dream or vision that we may have for ourselves.

The pursuit of those dreams starts with our attitude and is followed up with the amount of effort that we are willing and able to put forth. Both are 100% in our own control.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it…that is a winning, successful attitude. If your mind starts to wander into insecurity, fear or doubt stop it right there and replace it with positivism, optimism and bravery. Stand tall today with an optimistic outlook on life and your future and everything in your life will surely begin to reflect that as well.

Not everyone has the same abilities in life therefore, we can only offer 100% effort to which we are able. If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, if you can’t crawl, seek help. Never give up no matter what your goal is.



90 Minutes THR Elliptical



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