LIVE Worldwide from RMEF Headquarters – Kristy Titus
Paraglide with Max Fanderl
July 7, 2014
2014 Youth Safari Experience
July 8, 2014
magbo system
Paraglide with Max Fanderl
July 7, 2014
2014 Youth Safari Experience
July 8, 2014

LIVE Worldwide from RMEF Headquarters

It’s pretty rare that all of humanity can focus on one specific thing at one precise moment in time, but in this day and age of high tech gadgetry, at least it is possible. Thanks to the far-reaching influence of the World Wide Web and a few strategically placed laptop computers, web cameras and microphones, people from just about anywhere across the globe had the opportunity to take a live look into the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s national headquarters.

It happened on June 11, 2014. RMEF sponsor-partner Cabela’s hosted the Google+ Hangout, a 67-minute live chat session with Cabela’s Ambassadors Luke Bryan, Justin Moore and RMEF Team Elk’s Kristy Titus. They took turns answering questions from moderator Storme Warren and those tuning in via the Internet. They also shared their favorite hunting and outdoor adventures as well as their most memorable Father’s Day recollections. 

What Online Views Saw ……. What We Saw at RMEF Headquarters

Kristy, in our humble opinion anyway, had the best seat of all the participants as she pulled up a couch in what we call the “Hunting Heritage Cabin” of the Elk Country Visitor Center. She felt completely at home and seemed to relish being dwarfed by the massive record bull elk mounts behind her. She also offered some sage advice about the joys of hunting, experiencing the outdoors and strengthening relationships with nature, family and friends by spending time in the woods and mountains.

After a lot of laughter, smiles and swapping of tales, the web chat seemed to end about as quickly as it began. But at least it gave World Wide Web surfers the chance to look in and taste a little flavor of the RMEF.

If you missed the Google+ Hangout, watch it below.

Story Courtesy of The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

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