9 Questions with RMEF Ambassador Kristy Titus OutdoorHub – Kristy Titus
North American Hunter- Bullet Selection for Big Game
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North American Hunter- Maximize Your Meat
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magbo system
North American Hunter- Bullet Selection for Big Game
October 20, 2014
North American Hunter- Maximize Your Meat
November 2, 2014

9 Questions with RMEF Ambassador Kristy Titus OutdoorHub

Britney Starr of OutdoorHub recently caught up with me to learn more about my passion for elk hunting and conservation. 

Britney asked 9 questions of me:

1. Please tell us a little about your background in hunting. Have you been doing it for your entire life?

2. What is the most difficult aspect of elk hunting?

3. What is the best method of training for elk hunting?

4. Do you shoot a rifle or a bow, or both? Which is your favorite and why?

5. Do you hunt solo? If so, do you pack it out alone, too?

6. Ever have a scary moment out in the woods or a close encounter with an elk that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up?

7. What are five things that you always carry with you in your pack?

8. If you could give only one piece of advice to a new elk hunter, what would it be?

9. Do you have any superstitions or rituals when it comes to elk hunting?

If you would like to read my answers to these questions, CLICK HERE.


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