Western Hunter Magazine Winter 2014 – Kristy Titus
North American Hunter-The Little Things Matter
November 17, 2014
RMEF Team Elk- Youth Hunter Eli James Public Land NM
November 18, 2014
magbo system
North American Hunter-The Little Things Matter
November 17, 2014
RMEF Team Elk- Youth Hunter Eli James Public Land NM
November 18, 2014

Western Hunter Magazine Winter 2014

The winter has arrived and as I write this, I look out my window at over two feet of snow. Already, I am looking forward to the fall of 2015. Fortunately, there are many hunts and opportunities to get out on the mountain before then. 

The magazines that I subscribe to accumulate most of the year and I take the time to sit down and read them during these short days, dreaming about the hunt. Western Hunter Winter issue just landed in my mail box and inside there is some great articles. South Cox wrote an article that I found very interesting on satellite communication and texting while on the mountain. Looks like with his tips, I need to upgrade my technical or lack thereof equipment.

Chris Denham’s Gear Product Highlight of the new Swarovski STR 80 Spotting scope has me drooling for one! My shooting schools next year will be so much more amazing with this scope. No more will I have to look through my rifle scope to act as spotter for my shooting buddies. The scope will allow me to be over my shooter and better watch bullet trace for better calls. 

My editorial Hunters Nutrition, featured a little run down on what to look for when buying a protein powder. 

If you don’t subscribe to Western Hunter and Elk Hunter Magazines, you should. Inside, you will find a lot of great information that will make your 2015 season more enjoyable and hopefully more successful all while passing the short days and long winter nights by. 

Click HERE to subscribe. 

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