World Cancer Awareness Day – Kristy Titus
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magbo system
RMEF Team Elk- The Golden Age of Elk Hunting
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World Cancer Awareness Day

Today is World Cancer Day, a day for us all to help raise awareness of cancer and help to do our part to encourage its prevention, detection and treatment.






There are some people that we meet that change our lives forever, in ways that you could never imagine and last month, I was blessed with meeting a man that has changed mine. This man is literally fighting for his own life, battling cancer but is also standing up and fighting for others that are also living the same battle, this amazing man is Rick Carone.



Rick and his friends have started Team Carone and the Shut Down Cancer Music Festival. Team Carone and Shut Down Cancer is not only about Rick’s journey, but the journey of everyone that is battling or touched in some way by cancer. This year’s fundraiser is September 26th and I encourage all of you to check out the Team Carone website CLICK HERE and volunteer, sponsor or donate to this festival to help continue to drive cancer awareness and help to #shutdowncaner

“You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live.” Stuart Scott

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