RMEF Elk Chronicles- Headwaters of the John Day – Kristy Titus
American Hunter Magazine- Magpul Core
March 27, 2015
North American Hunter- 100 Years of Targeting Turkeys
April 3, 2015
magbo system
American Hunter Magazine- Magpul Core
March 27, 2015
North American Hunter- 100 Years of Targeting Turkeys
April 3, 2015

RMEF Elk Chronicles- Headwaters of the John Day

RMEF is working hard to ensure a bright future for elk, other wildlife, wild places and public access to those places like here in the headwaters of the John Day River. If you love to escape to public lands for the joys of hunting, fishing or hiking and you are not already a member of RMEF, please help us to do more for the future of elk, hunting and public land access. Join today go to www.rmef.org to learn more. 

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