Western Hunter Magazine- Spring 2015 – Kristy Titus
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magbo system
North American Hunter- Old Guns Never Die
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American Hunter Magazine- Magpul Core
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Western Hunter Magazine- Spring 2015

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen

-Meal Planning For A Leaner, Harder, Healthier Physique

Your fitenss goals have been set and this is your year to take on the mountain with a healthier, leaner, hardery physique than ever before. In order to achieve your goals, you have to become stronger than your excuses, and learn to manage your time. Now is the time to create a system that will keep you on track and eating clean throughout the week. 

Meal planning will help you stick to and maintain a diet that is filled with whole natural foods that maximize your energy levels while promoting fat burning and muscle development.

Why Subscribe to Western Hunter Magazine? 

Being fit enough to hike the mountains and pack out your game is critical. This topic is under-appreciated and under-appreciated. We talk about fitness tips, strategies, and the mental side of getting tough. Kristy Titus will help you to  take care of your body and improving your overall health. This isn’t just about hunting; this is about quality of life!

Being in shape and feeling vigorous is key to being an efficient and effective hunter. Professional trainers Mark Paulsen and Kristy Titus teach you exercise and fitness techniques, how to eat better, and how to pack meals for mountain hunting.

Gear is one of the most critical subjects in all of western hunting, and Western Hunter Magazine brings detailed write-ups and reviews in each and every issue. Backpacks, boots, optics, ammo, clothing and more. We only review and focus on product we believe in.

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