NRA Annual Meetings 2015 – Kristy Titus
NRA News- Legally Armed America
April 29, 2015
North American Hunter- Oregon Mountain Turkey Hunting
May 3, 2015
magbo system
NRA News- Legally Armed America
April 29, 2015
North American Hunter- Oregon Mountain Turkey Hunting
May 3, 2015

NRA Annual Meetings 2015

NRA puts on the World’s longest running shooting and hunting show featuring 78,865 attendees and 550 exhibitors, all uniting from around the world in the celebration of the Second Amendment. A true demonstration of great patriotism and good old fashioned family bonding. 

Music City Center in downtown Nashville hosted the weekend for attendees to enjoy LIVE country music in addition to the latest and greatest from the outdoor and firearms industry.

On Friday, the NRA- ILA Leadership forum boasted some of the most political figures in the country including Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Scott Walker and more.

There was fun for the entire family with an NRA Youth Day, where over 400 youth attended experiencing the Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) Wildlife Identification, 3 Gun Experience Air Soft, and more. 

Women’s Leadership Luncheon, was a room full of philanthropic women united with the mission of fighting for the Second Amendment. Envigorating passion in attendees to help lead the change in discussions concering gun control and beyond. 

Country music stars, Hank Williams Jr., Ted Nugent, Tyler Farr, Rascall Flats, and more. 

Be sure to book your trip and plan on attending the 2016 NRA National Meetings in Louisville. 

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