North American Hunter- Oregon Mountain Turkey Hunting – Kristy Titus
NRA Annual Meetings 2015
April 29, 2015
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2015
May 4, 2015
magbo system
NRA Annual Meetings 2015
April 29, 2015
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2015
May 4, 2015

North American Hunter- Oregon Mountain Turkey Hunting

My breath hung in the air like slowly drifting smoke. Spring was slowly arriving, but not this morning.

The cold mountain air bit at my face. Peering into the deep, timber-filled draws with box call in hand, my good friend, hunting partner and fellow Cabela’s Pro Staffer, Jim Brennan, let out a series of hen yelps with the hopes of enticing a tom turkey to gobble.

Carl, a fellow Central Oregon local, had been so gracious to share the morning hunt with us. These public land mountains had been hunted by him in pursuit of turkeys for many years and he knew just were to check for birds coming off the roost.

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