Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch- Gary Lewis Frontier Unlimited – Kristy Titus
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2015
May 4, 2015
Wild Sheep Foundation Magazine Spring 2015
May 22, 2015
magbo system
Elk Hunter Magazine Summer 2015
May 4, 2015
Wild Sheep Foundation Magazine Spring 2015
May 22, 2015

Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch- Gary Lewis Frontier Unlimited

Anglers have been catching big rainbows since early May 

By- Gary Lewis 

Published May 20, 2015 

If she’d ever had a casting lesson, she didn’t admit to it.

When a fly-fishing guide wants to teach, it’s best to soak it in. Kristy Titus was smart enough to listen, and she learned the easy pick-up-and-lay-down basic fly cast. When the guide was finished, I completed the lesson with a session on the hook-set.

Elke Littleleaf Kirk is a Warm Springs guide, a self-taught fly-fisherman and fly tier. He and his wife, Alysia, own Littleleaf Guide Service, and this year, for the first time, after a couple of years in business, they are booked solid through the salmonfly hatch on the Deschutes.

Kristy is from Central Oregon. She is a bowhunter. She packs into the backcountry on her mule and she hunts bear, deer and elk. Walk into a Cabela’s store anywhere, and you are likely to walk past her cardboard life-sized likeness.

She knew enough about fly-fishing to know a dry fly from a wet fly, but she had never caught a fish on a fly rod. She had no idea what we were talking about when we talked about the salmonfly hatch.

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