North American Hunter- Back Country Food For Thought – Kristy Titus
A/Z Outfitters- British Columbia Black Bear- Wrong Place; Wrong Time
July 24, 2015
Extreme Elk Joins Elk Hunter Magazine
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A/Z Outfitters- British Columbia Black Bear- Wrong Place; Wrong Time
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Extreme Elk Joins Elk Hunter Magazine
August 6, 2015

North American Hunter- Back Country Food For Thought

Backcountry Food For Thought Hunting season is just around the corner, and now is the time to finalize the touches on gear preparation.

Anyone heading to the mountains this year to pursue elk? Backcountry hunts can break you down physically, so it’s extremely important to pack high-quality, whole natural foods to recharge and refuel your body. Consuming a balanced meal every 3-4 hours consisting of carbohydrates, complete protein and fat at every meal throughout the day ensures more energy, quicker recovery times and more efficient use of stored body fat as a fuel source.

Below you will find some ideas for lightweight, quick and nutritious foods that will help fuel your next back country adventure.

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