NRA News- I Am Forever – Kristy Titus
NRA News- Cam & Co. I Am Forever Premier
November 21, 2015
NRA News- I Am Forever- A Better Life In America
December 1, 2015
magbo system
NRA News- Cam & Co. I Am Forever Premier
November 21, 2015
NRA News- I Am Forever- A Better Life In America
December 1, 2015

NRA News- I Am Forever

Just after the Founding Fathers finalized the Constitution, Ben Franklin stepped outside Independence Hall, where he was met by an intensely interested crowd. When a woman asked, “Well, doctor, what have we got—a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

His point, of course, was that freedom’s great danger is that free individuals can use their freedom in ways that destroy it. Freedom’s survival in America depends upon the decisions of individuals, not the edicts of a government.

There is no point in time where freedom will ever be secure. The battle will rage forever, and every generation is enlisted to fight.

You’ll see this story play out all season on I Am Forever through three distinct parts:

The Past

Born in Greece on the eve of the Nazi occupation, Nick was able to come to America after the war because his mother was an American citizen. Driven by the tragedy, starvation and destruction he left behind, he seized every opportunity America had to offer.

The Present

Over the course of this season, a group of commentators will attack the soft underbelly of American culture, and how so many of the decisions we are making are contrary to freedom’s survival.

The Future

Kristy Titus invites two women, Jessi and Faith, on a 25-mile backcountry adventure in order to reflect upon the values that keep us free, how they will live out those values, and how they will spread them in their families and communities.


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