2nd Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s – Kristy Titus
Wilderness Athlete #TITUS28DAYS Challenge
March 2, 2016
Hunting The Hunters
March 2, 2016
magbo system
Wilderness Athlete #TITUS28DAYS Challenge
March 2, 2016
Hunting The Hunters
March 2, 2016

2nd Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s

Cabela’s teamed up with the National Rifle Association for the annual  2nd Amendment Weekend. 

The weekend featured educational workshops, firearm safety tips, membership information and more. Kristy attended the Lehi UT store event and held an interactive scavenger hunt that included Wilderness Athlete, the #kristytituscollection by Montana Silversmiths, Western Hunter MagazineElk Hunter Magazine, Outfither clothing, RMEF Team Elk,Rocky Mountain Hunting CallsBuck Knives, Inc. – Official Page & Swarovski Optik Hunting . 

Participants all won great prizes by hashtagging photos with Kristy on Instagram and Twitter with #MeetKristyTitus

Bree Galley was the Grand Prize Winner of the scavenger hunt which included a ring from the  by  Montana Silversmiths – A HUGE thanks to everyone that came out and participated and those that joined the National Rifle Association.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the #MeetKristyTitus campaign to WIN and Joe for putting it all together!!! 

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