Hunting The Hunters – Kristy Titus
2nd Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s
March 2, 2016
Oregon’s Bobcat Season Summary 2016
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magbo system
2nd Amendment Weekend at Cabela’s
March 2, 2016
Oregon’s Bobcat Season Summary 2016
March 2, 2016

Hunting The Hunters

The coffee cup clanged as it was set down on the counter, the smell of frying bacon filled the diner- the chatter of the town from this room travels faster than the internet. Every small town has this place- a spot where the local experts meet up, swap stories and inform everyone how they are the experts in hunting and what you should be doing afield to be a better and more efficient hunter. This held especially true for me this February while hunting wolves in British Columbia. 

The last thing you want is to be a hunting implant educating the local wolf population making management efforts not only difficult but nearly impossible, so I was all ears and ready to listen to the best local advice I could get. 

Hunting the hunters proved to be more than difficult. It is true- the wolves were everywhere- and yet, they were also nowhere. 

The haunting howls in the distance, their tracks running the logging roads in pursuit of anything and everything they could take down, finding their kills, their beds and even catching a brief glimpse. The conditions were very poor for successful stalking with the snow being knee deep and over two weeks old. Every step sounding off to the weary wolf our presence and had the snow been fresh, light and quiet, I do believe that my trip up north hunting the hunters would have had a different outcome. 

How Do You Effectively Hunt Wolves?

If you are an expert wolf hunter, I am all ears and I invite you to email me your best advice. I will be returning in March for one more try at taking the ultimate predator with A/Z Outfitters. 

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