NRA News Dom Rasco AR15 The Best Defense Against Terror & Crime – Kristy Titus
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NRA News Dom Rasco AR15 The Best Defense Against Terror & Crime

NRA News Commentator and Veteran US Navy SEAL Dom Raso has released a new commentary titled “The AR-15: Americans’ Best Defense Against Terror and Crime,” where he tells political hacks pretending they know an AR-15 from a double-barreled shotgun to “stop talking.” The commentary points out that after the attack at Pulse night club in Orlando, Hillary Clinton looked past the obvious enemy – radical Islamic terror – and instead said “weapons of war have no place on our streets” and that we need to ban AR-15s immediately. Raso isn’t afraid to call out the fact that AR-15s are fine for Hillary and her family. They’ve been protected by armed guards who use them for three decades. But average Americans who watch the news and feel genuine fear for their safety, and their families’ safety—Hillary wants to deny them the level of protection she insists upon herself.

Watch HERE and arm yourself with the facts…


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