RMEF Team Elk NM Muzzle Loader – Kristy Titus
RMEF Team Elk with 12 Year Old Lee Kenneke
December 29, 2016
RMEF Team Elk Browning Ammo Elk Hunt
January 4, 2017
magbo system
RMEF Team Elk with 12 Year Old Lee Kenneke
December 29, 2016
RMEF Team Elk Browning Ammo Elk Hunt
January 4, 2017

RMEF Team Elk NM Muzzle Loader

The first time you hear a bull elk bugle is a moment that you never forget. For me, I was 13 years old when my dad used his old school bugle and rubber band cow call to lure in a screaming 5×5 bull elk on public land in Idaho. That moment changed my life but it wasn’t until I was in my early twenties did I learn to call elk.

Having the ability to call elk- speak their language and really talk to them is one of the most remarkable experiences you can have as an outdoorsman. Showcasing that ability is what led me to my muzzle loader elk hunt in New Mexico. In 2012, 2013 and 2014, I placed second and third in the world at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation World Elk Calling Championships. One of the prizes that I won, a brand new Traditions 50 Cal Muzzle loader rifle.

The perfect way to celebrate elk and elk hunting was to make my first muzzle loader hunt for elk on public land with Team Elk. Stay tuned for RMEF’s Team Elk to watch this incredible hunt unfold. 

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