Bobcats and Breakdowns – Kristy Titus
Falkor University Training Day
February 11, 2017
Culvert Bobcat Treed & Freed
February 11, 2017
magbo system
Falkor University Training Day
February 11, 2017
Culvert Bobcat Treed & Freed
February 11, 2017

Bobcats and Breakdowns

It was -10 degrees this morning. My snowmobile blew anti-freeze everywhere and overheated. We are assuming something froze inside. I ended up riding double with Ty. We did find one bobcat but it was in a culvert. We spent over 8 hours riding looking for tracks in -13 to +20 without luck. Whoever says hunting with hounds is easy clearly has NEVER done it before. We will be back tomorrow for another try. With any luck, things will do a bit more smoothly and we will tag a bobcat.

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