Until We Meet Again- Oregon Turkey Hunt with Rick Carone – Kristy Titus
NW Ladies Hunting Camp
July 11, 2017
FTW Marksmanship Training with Kristy Titus
July 17, 2017
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NW Ladies Hunting Camp
July 11, 2017
FTW Marksmanship Training with Kristy Titus
July 17, 2017

Until We Meet Again- Oregon Turkey Hunt with Rick Carone

Success afield is marked by many things- the only one that truly matters is enjoying the outdoors and the experience with the people that we love. In the latest episode of Pursue The Wild, Kristy Titus hunts turkeys in Oregon celebrating friendship and sharing her final hunt with her beloved friend Rick Carone. 

Armed with the God given gift of leadership and the ability to inspire the hearts of all who meet him, Rick Carone, lived purposefully and passionately.

At the age of 42, Rick faced head on a diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer. The doctors gave Rick statistics that offered him a 15% chance of surviving beyond year one, but Rick was not one to let adversity and challenge slow him down. Brought to his knees by his diagnosis, Rick found the strength to stand up and fight with the power of his self-proclaimed triple threat of attack on cancer, Faith, Family and Friends. 

With a God given purpose, Rick shared his incredible personal story with the nation- he inspired the dreams and hopes of others touching the most important landscape- our hearts, helping to raise awareness and helping the fight to shut down cancer. 

After a four year battle, on June 29th, Rick Carone was called home. He did not lose his battle with cancer, he used his battle to leave a legacy that will now be carried on by the friends that loved him.

To continue Rick’s fight to shut down cancer go to www.teamcarone.com. 

Support Rick’s daughter’s Karsyn and Tyler’s college expenses here:

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