Hunter-Conservationist Kristy Titus Nominated to Run for 2018 NRA Board of Directors – Kristy Titus
2017 Cabela’s Fall Great Outdoor Days
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2017 Cabela’s Fall Great Outdoor Days
September 25, 2017
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October 18, 2017

Hunter-Conservationist Kristy Titus Nominated to Run for 2018 NRA Board of Directors

Bend, Ore. (October 16, 2017) – Hunter, conservationist and National Rifle Association life member, NRA Recruiter, and NRA Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Committee Member, Kristy Titus, has recently been nominated by the NRA’s Nominating Committee for election to the 2018 NRA Board of Directors, based on her work as a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights.

The NRA Board of Directors is comprised of 76 members, who are elected to a three-year term by NRA life members or members that have been a continuous member for five years. For the 2018 board, there are 35 nominees with 25 seat vacancies with the election to be held in February.

Titus has tirelessly worked with the NRA organization both for her volunteer work in introducing new shooters as an NRA Certified Pistol, Refuse To Be A Victim instructor and Range Safety Officer. She also serves as an instructor for Shoot Like A Girl and instructs at the Well-Armed Woman National Chapter Leadership Conference. Additionally, she is helping gun owners to being a key feature in social videos, such as NRA’s Tips & Tactics, and I am Forever series, plus her Pursue The Wild digital series, among others.

“It is my goal to help change the face and strengthen the voice of the NRA not only for women, but from the standpoint of firearms owners, hunters and conservationists,” commented Titus.

She also volunteers for programs such as Wounded Warrior Outdoors’ Adventures Enabled Program, taking active duty military on therapeutic hunts.  She’s a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Life Member and active volunteer and is featured on RMEF’s Team Elk television show. As the SCI High Desert Chapter past President, she’s lobbied Congress to improve hunting and conservation efforts. Titus is also a life member of The Wild Sheep Foundation, and a member of both the National Wild Turkey Federation and Mule Deer Foundation.

“Some might call me outspoken, but I have truly dedicated my life to teaching and promoting firearms, conservation and hunting,” said Titus. “And being outspoken is not a bad thing. In fact, I would like to encourage women to take a stand for their 2nd Amendment rights.”

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