RMEF Middle Creek Public Access Project – Kristy Titus
Titus Elected to NRA Board of Directors
May 31, 2018
Trophy Taker Equipment That Works
June 5, 2018
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Titus Elected to NRA Board of Directors
May 31, 2018
Trophy Taker Equipment That Works
June 5, 2018

RMEF Middle Creek Public Access Project

Permanently protecting even the tiniest slivers of elk country pays big dividends. That’s exactly the case in south-central Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation worked with a willing seller also an RMEF member to finalize what’s called the Middle Creek Project.

Though a mere 28 acres, the transaction improves access to eighty five hundred acres of public land for hunters, anglers and others to access and enjoy. It connects U.S. Forest Service land to the west with Bureau of Land Management land to the east.

The property sits at eighty six hundred feet elevation at the northern end of the San luis Valley and features what you would expect to find in Colorado’s high country, prime wildlife habitat in the form of open grasslands, riparian meadows, aspen groves and mixed conifer stands that lead to peaks higher than 11,000 ft on adjacent public land.

It is here you will find elk, bighorn sheep, black bear, trout and other bird and animal life. Opening and improving public access lies at the heart of RMEF’s conservation mission.

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