Myers Ranch Public Access Project – Kristy Titus
The Selector- Buck Knives Interchangeable Blade Knife
February 25, 2019
Western Hunter Magazine- Keto Craze
March 5, 2019
magbo system
The Selector- Buck Knives Interchangeable Blade Knife
February 25, 2019
Western Hunter Magazine- Keto Craze
March 5, 2019

Myers Ranch Public Access Project

Covering more than one million acres, the Little Missouri National Grassland in western North Dakota is the largest such grassland in the United States. However, getting to it is a real challenge in places because of surrounding pieces of checkerboard private lands.

Glenn Myers and his family own one of those pieces of private land—a ranch that borders the Little Missouri River. It’s also offers prime habitat for elk, bighorn sheep, whitetail and mule deer, mountain lions and other wildlife. Struggling with ongoing deer raids on his haystacks, Myers reached out to North Dakota Game and Fish for help.

The state suggested he enlist his ranch in the North Dakota’s Private Land Open to Sportsmen programs. RMEF stepped up too, footing the bill for 20 percent of the cost. The result is a 10-year public access agreement so the public can hunt both his 1,700-acre ranch and the thousands of acres of public land beyond. Opening and improving public access is a key facet of RMEF’s conservation mission.

To learn more about the sites and boundaries of RMEF access projects near you or your favorite hunting area, turn on the RMEF layer in the onX Hunt App.

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