1st Annual Central Oregon RMEF Women For Wildlife – Kristy Titus

1st Annual Central Oregon RMEF Women For Wildlife


The Central Oregon Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation wants to say a big thank you to the ladies who came out for our first annual Women For Wildlife Boots And Bling event! We literally kicked up our boots for conservation with line dancing, an incredible dinner, live & silent auction along with fellowship of incredible women! We sincerely hope that each and every one of you had a great time and made new like minded friends!

We are committed to bringing this event back year after year! Thank you to all the hard working committee members who made this event happen and for all of the generous donations from my partners Ruger Obsession BowsDead Down Wind Hornady Trophy Taker and everyone else that contributed.  Thank you to everyone that put their hard work into all the amazing baskets we had for our basket raffle! We had over 25 baskets that were as unique as the ladies donating them.

We hope to see all of you ladies back again next year! 💞

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