Raise ‘Em Outdoors Oregon 2019 Kids Camp – Kristy Titus

The Raise ‘Em Outdoors Kids Camp is dedicated to helping kids from any background get outdoors, learn all about hunting, fishing, bringing food to the table, and the outdoors as a lifestyle. This year’s annual outdoor camp in Oregon welcomed nearly 100 kids and parents for the opportunity to connect with the outdoors.

“Somewhere I once heard that if a child has three adults who care about them, and invests in them they will have a much better chance at succeeding in life. Knowing first hand this is true, and how it played such a big part of my life. Literally digging me out of a hole I was putting myself into…

Those experiences and people who invested in me, are what led to getting Raise ‘Em Outdoors started. So it’s a humbling and grateful experience for me to see all the mentors stepping up to help at camp and all the parents there wanting to invest in spending time with their kids out doors. They may not realize it yet but what they are doing just could change a life for the better.” – Erin Crooks, Founder Raise Em’ Outdoors


Raise ‘Em Outdoors Camp is a two day and two night camp. Kids of all ages will camp over night with their family enjoying learning a variety of outdoor skills. Instructors led the kids through a 3D archery “hunting course” where the kids got to learn basic archery skills along with a few strategies in hunting. The fishing pond was stocked full allowing the opportunity for families to cast a line and practice their fishing skills.

The younger children were able to shoot the Mule Deer Foundation BB Gun range. Ruger generously provided all of the firearms for the 22 station as well as the long range course of fire. Thanks to the generous contribution from Nightforce Optics, all of the firearms were topped with amazing rifle scopes.

At the 22 station, engaged JC Steel Targetswith The Original, Ruger 10/22’s with each child having one on one instruction. At the long-range rifle shooting, older children were able to engage targets outwards of 500 yards with Ruger Precision Rifles. Hornady ammunition donated all of the ammo for the long range course of fire. There was even a sporting clay shoot at the event.

In addition to shooting sports, wildlife conservation, crafts, and other outdoor skills like elk calling were taught. Each child received one of my signature Wild Fury elk diaphram calls to practice perfecting their own elk calling skills.

Parents are right along-side with their kids throughout the day learning along-side them and/or being involved as they would like to be throughout the day.

There were many generous partners and volunteers that made this event possible like a grant from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, that helps to underwrite expenses. Other donations included give-aways from Dead Down Wind, Buck Knives, Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, Kryptek, Wilderness Athlete, Tink’s, and many more.

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