Fall Back on Your Training: An Interview with Kristy Titus- By Ashlee Lundvall – Kristy Titus
Titus Ranch Cougar Kill Buck
September 3, 2019
Hornady Factory Visit 4DOF Training
September 3, 2019
Titus Ranch Cougar Kill Buck
September 3, 2019
Hornady Factory Visit 4DOF Training
September 3, 2019

Fall Back on Your Training: An Interview with Kristy Titus- By Ashlee Lundvall

I honestly can’t remember the first time I met Kristy Titus, and I think that is because I feel like I’ve always known her. We’ve all clicked with someone like that, and there is usually a chemistry and commonality between you that aids in the process. I love that Kristy is the perfect blend of tough tomboy and femininity, a fine line I often find myself struggling to straddle. She is a hunter, a competitive shooter, and when she’s not traveling, she has found a passion for taming a piece of ground she calls home in Oregon. Kristy is definitely one of my favorites!

We thought you’d like to know more about Kristy Titus, a Ruger ambassador.

The WON: When did you become introduced to/interested in firearms and hunting?

Kristy Titus: Like many others, I was born to a dad who hunted. Although I didn’t get my hunting license until I was 12, I’ve been on mules heading out for pack trips since I was 2-years old. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t hunting and around firearms.

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