RMEF Women For Wildlife – Kristy Titus
Dead Zone By Dead Down Wind
September 3, 2019
Wild Thang Cow Elk Call
September 3, 2019
Dead Zone By Dead Down Wind
September 3, 2019
Wild Thang Cow Elk Call
September 3, 2019

The hunter is the reason that wildlife numbers are on the rise and the habitat found in wild places is improving. The women of The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation understand the value of time spent afield with our family and friends and the profound impact that has on our children.

The women of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation have been making their own mark in conservation. The RMEF Women For Wildlife Events are a reflection of the passion that ladies have for wild places. Join Kristy Titus in the latest, Pursue The Wild for an RMEF Women For Wildlife event.

Go to RMEF.org for more information about events in your area.

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