Titus Ranch Coyote Hunt Success – Kristy Titus
Missouri Whitetail Scouting
March 31, 2020
Titus Family Sage Rat Hunt
March 31, 2020
Missouri Whitetail Scouting
March 31, 2020
Titus Family Sage Rat Hunt
March 31, 2020

Driving into the ranch yesterday, Yogi from JR Hunting spotted this coyote. We drove around to the shoot house, grabbed my Ruger American and predator call and literally set up 30 yards from my house back porch. This beautiful coyote came in in nearly instantly! If you have been following my ranch progress, you know that the predators have hit the wintering deer herds hard this year at my ranch. It was a great day to do some much needed predator management.

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