RMEF Access Project – Wilson Park – Kristy Titus
National Hunting & Fishing Day 2020
October 8, 2020
4 Million Acres of NEW Public Access for America
October 8, 2020
magbo system
National Hunting & Fishing Day 2020
October 8, 2020
4 Million Acres of NEW Public Access for America
October 8, 2020

Wilson Park MT – onX Hunt Access Projects

Uninterrupted swaths of the back country free of development allow elk and other wildlife the ability to freely seek forage and cross the landscape. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation worked with a family that appreciates the wildlife values of its land by purchasing the 262-acre tract in the Little Belt Mountains of central Montana. Its habitat is now permanently protected. RMEF then conveyed it to Lewis and Clark National Forest so it is open and available for all to hunt, fish, hike and enjoy.

Previously a private inholding within the national forestland, it features grassy meadows, forests and aspen groves as well as riparian habitat from a creek and several springs. The land provides year-round habitat for elk and a wide array of other animal, bird and fish species. Opening and improving public access lies at the heart of RMEF’s conservation mission.

To learn more about RMEF access projects in your area, turn on the RMEF layer in the onX Hunt App to view project sites and boundaries.

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