Electric Lake RMEF Public Access Project – Kristy Titus
Ramcat Diamondback Hybrid
December 15, 2020
Label Lies
December 19, 2020
magbo system
Ramcat Diamondback Hybrid
December 15, 2020
Label Lies
December 19, 2020

A little creativity can lead to a much bigger reward and a lot more public access.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation worked with partners to purchase a 10-acre tract of land in central Utah. Functioning much like a funnel, those who enjoy the outdoors now enter that small piece of land only to see it open up permanent access to 3,800 acres of public land used by more than 1,000 elk and home to mule deer, bear and a host of bird and animal life.

Before, there was a very real concern the previous owner may close off access because of liability concerns. But since RMEF purchased the land and conveyed it to the US Forest Service, it is now permanently open for hunting, horseback riding, hiking, camping and other recreational pursuits.

Opening and improving public access lies at the heart of RMEF’s conservation mission.

To learn more about RMEF access projects in your area, turn on the RMEF layer in the onX Hunt App to view project sites and boundaries.

Access the project here: https://huntsmarter.app.link/4SLfzG9ppJ

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