Bear Creek OnX Access Project – Kristy Titus
Coconut Crusted Wild Turkey Recipe  
April 28, 2021
Sunshine, Vitamin D and Rebooting Life
May 20, 2021
magbo system
Coconut Crusted Wild Turkey Recipe  
April 28, 2021
Sunshine, Vitamin D and Rebooting Life
May 20, 2021

Checkers may be a great game but checkerboard-like land ownership patterns are often not so great for wildlife management or public access. Take this landscape in northeast Oregon where the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation acquired what was a 158-acre inholding within the Wallowa -Whitman National Forest and conveyed it to the U.S. Forest Service. That means this piece of prime elk habitat is now in public ownership for everyone to use and enjoy.

The transaction also improved access to 520 acres of adjacent public land. It is located just east of the 360,000-acre Eagle Cap Wilderness, an extremely popular destination for hunting, fishing, hiking, horseback riding and other forms or recreation. On top of that, it is near two past RMEF projects also in the Wallowa Mountains that permanently protected more than 1,100 acres of wildlife habitat and improved access to nearly 23,000 acres of public land.

Since 1984, RMEF and its partners opened or improved public access to more than 1.3 million acres of land. To learn more about the access points of RMEF projects near you or your favorite hunting area, turn on the RMEF layer in the onX Hunt App.

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