October 30th WOD
November 1, 2013November 4th WOD
November 4, 2013
Feeling Sore not Sorry…
Today, I was back on the road but before I hit the highway, I made sure to get in my workout. I am already feeling soreness in my muscles. Not sorry…soreness. That is a good feeling.
Everyday, you make the choice to feel sore or sorry.
Warm Up Set + 2 follow up sets with reps of 12 excluding walking lunges in sets of 25
Walking Lunges
Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
Andrew’s AB Workout #4- 2-1 Rest Ratio
-Oblique Crunches
-Double Leg Raises
-Toe Touches
-Hanging Leg Raises
-Bicycle Crunches
-Raised Leg Hold
-Mountain Climbers
-Hanging Knee Raises
-Prone Sit Ups